Sunday, February 24, 2013

Reuse and recycle

Computer has been down and now it is up and running again.
Been working on the garden and checking on sprouts.
I found some chicken wire and I am going to use it for the snow peas to climb on. An old wash/laundry sink is being moved into the side garden area for potting plants and stuff. Remembering to use only castile or some other non toxic soap out side. Found and old beat up metal rack, it will be great for trays and what not. If any one has any ideas send them my way.
Live Life Love Life
I have been so involved with getting this garden ready I haven't talked much about the sustainable living off grid. Any questions about life off grid / solar power / water storage / finding seeds feel free to send a request. It will help me to help other's, and that is what I like to do. I have been working on condensing my book down to more of a flip page reference. This will allow me to save money on printing without loosing the content to help others. I will have more news next week.

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Sustainable Living Off Grid thanks for fallowing, would love for you to share.